Thursday 26th September 2024 was a special night for W. Bro.Eric Denton who was installed as Worshipful Master but, as it turned out it was also to be a special night for W.Bro. Frank Milner.
It was a brilliant evening with The Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown in attendance together with W.Bro. Graham Littlewood the Elected Representative of the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust. All this under the guidance of W.Bro. Stuart Prince Prov. A.G.D.C. who seems to be settling in nicely to his new role in the Province.

Both the temple and dining at Wakefield are just great and always make for a brilliant evening and, it really was a wonderful Installation. The Installing Master W.Bro. Trevor Brearley doing a first-class job. All this run efficiently and smoothly by the Lodge D.C. under the watchful eye of W.Bro. Richard Boswell Puttrell A.D.C.
Once Eric was in the chair, he continued to run the meeting well and it was just a caseof or, so it seemed of a few bits of business and down to the Festive board……
However, at this point Andrew stood and suggested that there was a Brother within the Lodge who was regularly improperly dressed, and that such contravention of the Constitution was not acceptable! He then asked Stuart, to escort Frank Milner onto the floor of the Lodge and, suggested that his current rank of P.Prov.G.J.O. did not reflect the level of contribution that he had given to the Lodge, Province, and, the Various Charities through his bike ride from John o’ Groats to Lands’ End during Covid, and also the recent climb on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Andrew then proceeded to promote Frank to the rank of P.Prov. G.S.W. to the great acclaim of all present. Frank was in total shock, suggesting that he thought he was in bother for wearing his Derbyshire Provincial Apron! Smiles and laughter all round.

The celebration for both continued at the Festive board with many great things said and, compliments paid to both Eric and Frank. Good things were also said of courseabout the Installing Master Trevor who had served the Lodge well and, done a super job on the night.
Congratulations now Worshipful Master W.Bro. Eric Denton. Here’s to a good year for you and the Lodge.
Congratulations W.Bro. Frank Milner P.Prov.G.S.W. What’s next Frank?
With Thanks to
W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager