Peace Lodge of M.M.M. No .681 Installation meeting

Thursday 26th October 2023.  Despite a damp and chilly evening, a goodly number travelled from far and wide to Peace Lodge in Uppermill.  If you have not had the pleasure of attending a meeting at Peace lodge, do so. The greeting is as warm and welcoming as anywhere. The then Assistant Provincial Grand Master V.W.Bro. John Vause and W. Bro Alan Corbridge, the elected representative of the Charity Committee being on duty.  This was to be John’s last official visit as the Assistant Provincial Grand Master and so it was pleasing to have the support of the many Brethren present. 

W.M. John Curry duly opened the Lodge meeting.  John and Alan were escorted into the lodge under the direction of the W. B. Bro Mark Holland, the Deputy G.D.C. John and Alan both given a warm welcome by the W.M.    

Following this a successful ballot for W. Bro. Stephen A Sharp. as a joining member.  Stephen was admitted and welcomed, and later was appointed as Senior Deacon. Then followed a ballot for W.Bro. Mike Gannon as an honoury member, this proved successful.  V.W.Bro. Mervyn Wilson thanked the Brethren on behalf of Mike who unfortunately wasn’t present that night.

W. Bro Steven Spooner then proclaimed W.Bro. John Curry as W.M. for the ensuing year.  John then appointed and, invested his officers for the ensuing year. A few surprises which brought such lighthearted comments as ‘that’s what you get for not being at the practice!  W. Bro Alan Collet reappointed as organist did apologize for some Eric Morecambe moments with his notes, but said he was waiting for further surgery to help with cataracts.  Bringing another lighthearted comment with regards to Alan trying to play the radiator for the last forty minutes!

Appointments over or so we thought until W. Bro Leonard Bruffell stood and asked if by any chance could he be reappointed as the I.P.M. for the ensuing year, as he felt a little left out.  Saying surely, they should remember as he was at the practice!  This was swiftly carried out.  

Time for the festive board.  And a fine meal indeed.  W. Bro Michael Jessop, giving the toast to Province began by thanking John for coming along and supporting Peace Lodge and, for all the support he had given throughout the Province.  W. Bro Martin Grace, the newly installed Master of Caldene Lodge then presented John with a small gift from the members of Caldene.  The eight present from Caldene stood as did all the Brethren and showed their appreciation. 

John responding first passed on the congratulations from the then Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master James Steggles G.M.R.A.C. to W. Bro. John on his being installed as Master for the second year. He went on to thank all the Brethren for the support he had received throughout his time in office.  He thanked Martin for the gift from Caldene Lodge.

W. Bro John presented a Cheque on behalf of Peace Lodge to Alan, the elected representative of the charity committee.  Alan was of course grateful to receive it, going on to give a brief report on what the Cleeves & Whitehead Trust is about and what great things they do both for us and in the community in general.  

Mark Well 

With thanks to 

W. Bro John M Fitzpatrick


Andrew Johnson

Communications Manager