Thursday 8th August 2024 and a fabulous meeting at the Bradford Club, Bradford, Aries Lodge of M.M.M. No.669 new home. There were forty-eight in attendance, forty of which were visitors. Yes, it was an escorted visit with The Deputy Provincial Grand Master V.W.Bro. Alan Oldfield in attendance and thoroughly enjoying himself. But that still left twenty two other visitors which included the President of the B.D.I.M.A., the President of S.Y.A.I.M. and the Senior and Junior Vice Presidents of H&H.I.M.A. All four associations were in attendance, just fantastic.
In the meeting the W.M. W.Bro. Mark Simmons gave a talk entitled ‘History of the Bradford Club’ which was both interesting and informative. Mark explained prior to his talk the idea of the talk was to stimulate interest and bring both new members and visitors to Aries who are going through a difficult time numbers wise just now. It is hoping to become a specialist interest lodge and, with the support of the province will hopefully change its name to something like: Aries Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.669 (Bradford and District Industrial Heritage Lodge). The idea being to attract members who are interested in local history, especially in the Province of West Yorkshire. Meetings can then be held with talks given about local industrial happenings and how it has changed the region. Textiles, car, motor bike and locomotive manufacturing and, canals have all played a major part in how the region developed. Sheffield of course is famous for the discovery of stainless steel, we have Harry Brearley to thank for that.
A fun and busy festive board (the trifle certainly went down well with many, didn’t it W.Bro. Michael Jessop!).
Alan spoke about how escorted visits had begun back in 2000 initially three then sixand now going to nine. This was the third such visit to Aries. The first visit by R.W.Bro. Brian Morris Batty in 2006 when a certain W.Bro. Jim Steggles had been the Prov. G.Sec. although the records don’t show much more than that, the second visit in 2013 when a certain W.Bro. Alan Oldfield was Prov.G.Sec and, in charge of escorted visits and, so the records are complete! The visit was led by W.Bro. John Fred Clough A.Prov.G.M.and also present that evening was W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton in his role as charity Steward and W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown as Prov.A.G.D.C. How times have changed.
Alan also gave good information about the provincial meeting dining arrangements and, going on to explain how the province hoped Mark Grand Lodge certificates would be presented with IMA’s hosting special evenings, choosing a lodge in their own area that would host the evening making it a special night for both the lodge and those receiving certificates. Closing by saying it is well recognised that ‘Freemasonry makes better men out of good men’ and because of the Magic of the Mark ‘Mark Masonry makes even better men out of those who are already Masons’.
It really was a superb evening, and the Bradford Club is certainly a fantastic venue. Aries thank all the visitors for the support they received during the evening filling in no less than seven officers for the night and, just as importantly making it a happy and fun evening.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager