A very memorable evening was enjoyed at the Old York Lodge of Mark Master Masons T.I. on Tuesday 23rd April 2024. Nathan is a member of The Lodge of Friendship No.750 Craft Lodge in Cleckheaton and is the first of four candidates who are to be Advanced into Old York this coming year, they also have two joining members lined up. As well as Nathan being advanced there was a rejoining member – W.Bro. David Crisp who was the W.M. twenty years ago.
A ballot was held for both Nathan and David which proved favourable. David thanked the Lodge saying to the W.M. it was good to be back. Adding ‘I remember installing W.Bro. Alan Pendleton, your father-in-law back in 2003’.
The Brethren were then treated to a first-class Advancement ceremony. Which you would expect from a Lodge that claims it’s the Premier Lodge in the Province!..?Congratulations to the W.M. W.Bro. Christian Holmes and all of his officers for a smooth, sincere and entertaining ceremony. At several points the Candidate looked a little perplexed, especially when given a choice of what to do next. Strangely enough he decided to carry on! Business completed and it was on to the Festive board.
It was a great Festive board. Entertaining and the food good. Bro. Craig McIntosh welcomed Nathan to Old York and the Mark family, saying he would be a valuable member of the family and would bring further good ritual to Old York.
In response Nathan thanked his proposer Craig and his seconder W.Bo. John Clough going on to thank Christian and everyone who took part. And yes, he said I have enjoyed it despite the confusion of what shall I do next! Going on to say he looked forward to playing his part in future meetings of the Lodge. His family is no stranger to the Mark Degree, he is potentially the 5th or 6th generation of Mark Master Masons in his family history. The first to be advanced in England, earlier generations being advanced in Scotland.
W, Bro Stuart Prince of Wharfedale Lodge of M.M.M. No.1027 in his response on behalf of the visitors gave a brief synopsis of what the Bradford and District I.M.A.stands for and encouraged those present to support Lodges by visiting. He was asked to do this at the Festive board to save time in the temple so everyone could sit, relax and enjoy the food and each other’s company. W.Bro. Philip Harrison is to become the President of the BDIMA on the 8th of May at the A.G.M. meeting to be held at Cleckheaton saying he hoped the members of Old York would support Philip by joining him on his forthcoming planned IMA visits. He thanked Old York for their ceremony, hospitality and food. Closing by wishing Nathan a long and happy membership of the Lodge and the fraternity in general.
There next Advancement is planned for Thursday 30th May. Which will immediately follow the Old York R.A.M. T.I. meeting, a different night. Please look out for the summons and come and support them if you can.
Welcome to the Mark Degree Bro. Nathan Yuill and Mark Well.
Enjoy your Mark Masonry, be kind to one another.
With thanks to
W. Bro John M Fitzpatrick
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager