Thursday 2nd May 2024 and another great night in Otley. On duty for the Province was W.Bro. Gary Parker Prov. G.Sec. and, W.Bro. Richard Stone Elected Representative of the Charity Committee. Making sure things ran smoothly and, on his last official outing as a Prov. A.G.D.C. was W.Bro. Charles Lindsay. I’m sure we certainly have not seen the end of Charles – you just can’t keep a good man down. Working as hard as ever was their very own D.C. W.Bro. Stuart, Prince of Wharfedale Lodge! See what I did there?! Stuart always runs a good show and tonight was to be no exception. And of course, it couldn’t be as both the Prov. G.S.W. and Prov. G.J.W. were present in the names of W. Bro’s. William Light and Kevin Lloyd. Certainly getting ‘stuck in’ with their new appointments, great to see.
The W.M. W.Bro. Andrew Coutts had certainly had his head in his ritual book and led a first class Installation ceremony. Everyone who took part did a fabulous job. It really does add to a good night to see ritual done with out books and certainly makes it a much better experience for the Brother being Installed. Once installed now W.Bro. Philip Denison continued in the same vein and ran the rest of the meeting in style. Philip has been ‘hiding in plain sight’ for many years. He actually joined Wharfedale way back in 2008. I don’t think even Philp knows how he ‘avoided’ the chair for all those years. Andrew was presented with a third bar for his Past Master’s Jewel having been W.M. in 2011, 2017 and 2022. It was actually an I.O.U. in an envelope that W.Bro. Andrew Wright presented as the bar had not arrived from the regalia supplier in time.
The Festive Board was provided by the new caterers just in at Westbourne House and was superb, although you can bet that Charles Lindsay might disagree. Charles has a very discerning and gentle palate and likes what he likes. Charles as many of you know is great fun and brilliant company at any time especially at the Festive Board and you like double helpings! Sorry Charles, I couldn’t resist it, well it is your last official outing after all.
Gary speaking in response to toast No.5. thanked Bro. David Chapman for his kindwords about the Provincial officers. Yes, he agreed they certainly do work hard, travel many miles and are always happy to help out. Adding David would certainly go far! Gary spoke about the Magic of the Mark the changes being made regards Provincial visits and how Grand Lodge Certificates would be presented making use of theI.M.A.’ s ’to do this. He also stressed the need to support the Craft and indeed other orders, that way we can all grow. He talked of the importance of both our website and Facebook page. There is plenty of information and interesting articles on there. Just a thought – if you have anything you want on the website regards your own Lodge or something else of interest to our members please get in touch.
W.Bro.David Hymas presented a cheque to the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust thanking them for the work they do. W.Bro. Richard Stone was so pleased to accept the generous cheque and thanked David and Wharfedale for their support. Richard talked about raffles, standing orders and even legacy’s as great ways to support our charity. He told us of how the charity was working closely with the Craft and that the care and support team were continuing to ensure we maximise support and get help out very quickly. W.Bro. Ian Cotton then ran his is ticketless raffle which brought further support for the Trust.
A super night as it always is at Wharfedale. Thank you now W.Bro. Philip Denison and all your officers and Brethren for a great night. See you soon.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager