Bradford & District Installed Masters Association

The A.G.M. was held at The Masonic Hall, Cleckheaton on Wednesday 8th May 2024.  Where a buffet supper was served and seemed to go down well.  

The President W.Bro. Ken Hill welcomed everyone and hoped they would have a good evening.  It was of course a formal business meeting and the standard business such as minutes of the last meeting, secretary’s report and treasurer’s report were given.  They were well presented by W.Bros. Mark Simmons and Stuart Prince respectively.  Although vital and important information it’s not really for this article.  Needless to say, they were well presented and accurate.  The outgoing President Ken addressed those present saying what a fantastic year it had been and that he had enjoyed getting out and about.  He had got lost on a few occasions – once trying to find Gilkirke Lodge and once at Aries Lodge. Although he did say he actually got lost in the comfy chair in the Lodge at Aries and had to be helped out!  He thanked everyone for their support and trusted the support would continue for the incoming President.  

The main business of course was to elect a new President, Senior Vice President, and Junior Vice President.  And to elect the Secretary and Treasurer for the coming year.  All this was accordingly done:

W.Bro. Philip Harrison​ President​​​Old York T.I.

W.Bro. Enrico Vendettuoli​ Senior Vice President​Bronte No.535

W.Bro. Mark Simmons​ Junior Vice President​Aries No.669

W.Bro. Mark Simmons​ Secretary​​​Aries No.669

W.Bro. Stuart Prince​​ Treasurer​​​Wharfedale No.1027

Ken the outgoing President invested Philip with his collar with Philip going on to invest both Enrico and Mark with there’s.

W.Bro. Gary Parker the Prov.G.Sec. Sec then addressed the meeting and firstlybrought the best wishes of the Prov.G.M. R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton.  Gary went on to talk about the I.M.A’s in general.  The main point to make is that despite its title of Installed Masters Association it was actually for ALL Mark Master Masons, and they should be encouraged to support their own particular I.M.A.  visiting and meeting other likeminded people is fun and rewarding.  The Province in general was doing well with 80 new candidates in the last 12 months which is brilliant.  Covid hit us all hard, but the green shoots of recovery are there, and things are progressing well.  Gary mentioned the change in escorted visits from 6 to 9 to include 3 R.A.M. Lodges.  Changes in how and when Grand Lodge Certificates will be presented, and, that this would be with the help of the I.M.A’s.  More information to follow from your own Secretary/Scribe.

Philip then closed the meeting saying he really was honoured to take on the role of President, but it was also an honour for his Lodge Old York T.I. as he was only representing them as President and looked forward to the support he was sure he would get from them.  He then congratulated Ken on his year in office and said he would do his best to keep up the good work done.  He also thanked both Mark and Stuart for the support and work they put in.  His final information was to say the next visit from the BDIMA was to Gilkirke Lodge No. 812 on Tuesday 21st May 2024 when they would have both a candidate and a visit from the Prov.G.M.  Please support Gilkirke and the Association if you can.

Brethren I think it should be mentioned and stressed they are our Associations and deserve our support.  Their main aims are to foster friendships between all Brethrenand Lodges and, to further the high standard of Mark Masonry in our Province.  Don’t forget it is for ALL Mark Master Masons not just Installed Masters.  Have a look at the calendar and see when the next visit is in your own particular Association.  You might even fancy a trip across the Association border and visit a Lodge in your neighbouring I.M.A.

W.Bro Andrew Johnson

Communications Officer