Thursday, the 18th April 2024 and a goodly number of Mark Master Masons attended at the Masonic Hall at Eastgate in Barnsley to witness the Proclamation of Worshipful Brother I Barry Walker as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.
The Lodge was opened in correct form in the hands of W.Bro. I Barry and the minutes of the previous meeting on the 18th January were approved. Upon a report W.Bro. Robert Barton,.Prov. Asst G.D.C was admitted and announced that the Past Provincial Junior Warden, Worshipful Brother Ian Tillett, was without, accompanied by W.Bro. Alex Geddes, Elected Member of the Charity Committee, and requested admission. This was duly acknowledged and they entered, took their seats and received appropriate salutations.
W.Bro. Ian Schofield, the Director of Ceremonies then took charge of proceedings and proclaimed Worshipful I Barry as Worshipful Master and he was saluted accordingly. He was reminded that on a previous occasion the Warrant of the Lodge was entrusted to his care and that it was his duty to make careful study of Constitutions and Regulations of the order and enforce the By-laws. He then appointed and Invested W.Bro. Barry Martin as Immediate Past Master; after which the Working Tools were presented and explained. A dispensation was then read relating to W,Bro. Raymond Hooley who was to take up the Offices of Senior Deacon and Treasurer, this was noted. The Officers were then appointed and invested including Bro. Richard Schofield who only recently joined the ranks of Portal R.A.M.. a most discerning addition to the Masonic family.
The addresses were then submitted as follows;
Wardens W.Bro. Rodney Tolson
OverseersW.Bro. Richard Paver and
BrethrenW.Bro. Ian Tillett.W.Bro.
W.Bro. Alex then took the floor and presented a Mark Benevolent Fund Gold award Collarette to W.Bro.John Blundell and followed it with Barry Martin who received his Grand Patron award, congratulations to both. The next item of note was a ballot for two Honorary members, W.Bro Gordon Renshaw and W. Bro Douglas Fielding both of whom had served the Lodge loyally for many years, thanks from all present. Finally a proposition for a new Member, the future is looking bright in Barnsley., the Lodge was the closed accordingly.
A sumptuous repast was then enjoyed after which Toasts were given, that to the Province delivered by W.Bro. Raymond Hooley who praised the Provincial Officers for the excellent work they do throughout all the Lodges of the Provine and particularly those who take active rank. In response W.Bro. Ian congratulated W.Bro. I Barry on another year in the chair, particularly with a candidate in place, He reminded all that we have to do all we can to assist the Craft in it’s endeavours for they are the source of our membership.
W.Bro. Richard Clague proposed the Toast to the Mark Benevolent Fund and the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust, the jewel in the Crown of the Province, thanking all for their support but emphasising that much remains to be done. This was confirmed by W.Bro. Alex Geddes, Elected Member of the Charity Committee who drew attention to the cooperation that is now firmly entrenched between the Provincial Grand Almoner, the Craft Provincial Almoner and West Riding Masonic Charities whose Staff are proving invaluable. W.Bro. Trevor Hurd thanked W.Bro. I Barry for alll his energy and commitment in the past year and looked forward, with the other Officers to supporting him in the next year; in response he said that he was looking to a successful and enjoyable time. Finally, W.Bro. John then submitted the Toast to to the visitors, eight of them, and very welcome they were too, the response in the hands of W.Bro. John Sealey, a resident of Barnsley so on home turf. He was very effusive in his congratulations to the Brethren, particularly W. Bro Rodney Tolson. He looked forward to his next visit to Eastgate, a sentiment shared by all present.
Another wonderful Mark Masonic celebration, Smile and be happy.
V.W.Bro. Duncan Smith P.G.J.O