Friday 8th March 2024 and a very busy night at Danum Lodge of M.M.M. No.398. A total of 46 Brethren made it a very special night for John. Not only was it an advancement but, the first organised visit with more to come from the West Yorkshire Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge. Present were both the P.G.M. R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton and the A.Prov.G.M. W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown. All looked after by W.Bro. Edward Wilkinson Prov.A.G.D.C.

Once all the processing in and salutations done the Worshipful Master W.Bro. Arthur Leach offered the gavel to Trevor cleverly adapting a well know piece of ritual but, it didn’t wash and Trevor with quick thinking again, adapting a well know piece of ritual declined. Not one to give up Arthur tried again, this time asking Andy to take the gavel. Poor Arthur was refused again and had no choice but to carry on.

It was a fabulous ceremony and Danum and all their Brethren should be justly proud of themselves. Arthur led from the front a fantastic team with not a book in site, everyone who took part did an absolutely first-class job. There was however a little confusion as a certain stone was sent out to be searched for twice by the Lodge D.C. W.Bro. Ian Smith! But all was well in the end. Newly advanced Bro. John had seen and being part of a wonderful ceremony. Although at times did look a little nervous but, later said he was trying really hard to concentrate on what was going on around him and had thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. It certainly more than lived up to what he had been told was a fantastic ceremony.

The Festive board was to say the least fun. Arthur said it was fantastic to have both Trevor and Andy with them tonight and thanked them for their presence. He also thanked them for Danum being an ‘experiment’ in the new initiatives! It was certainly said tongue in cheek going on to say it was an honour for Danum Mark. He then presented Trevor with a do-it-yourself gavel! It was beautifully wrapped in a little cake box tied with string. When Trevor opened it, revealed was a small old block of wood and the end of an old broom handle!
In responding Trevor firstly thanked Arthur and Danum for the very kind gift of a D-I-Y gavel. Saying it was a delightful gift and that his wife Pamela would not perhaps quite believe it. However, they did have a wood burner at home, and she would certainly appreciate it as kindling and the contribution to energy saving! He then went on to tell of the plans in place for the future. He didn’t want to change things for the sake of it but, if we didn’t try something new, we would never know. The initiative to have a ruler at Advancements like tonight would certainly bring something new as would visits from the Provincial Stewards Lodge.

Bro. Stuart Oakes on behalf of himself and Bro.Gareth Davies said they were delighted that John had joined Danum ‘probably the best Lodge in the Province’. Was there some reference to a well know lager there? He would certainly be a great asset to Danum and Mark in general. John in response said he was certainly looking forward to his new journey and promised to promote both Danum and the order in general. W.Bro. John Fitzpatrick responded on behalf of the visitors saying it had been a wonderful night and a super ceremony. Everyone involved had done a fantastic job. Acknowledging the ‘probably the Best Lodge in the Province’ claim hewondered if the Lodge claiming to be ‘probably the Premier Lodge in the Province’ would agree and that there were Brethren present from there who might question his claim!

Thank you Danum for a super ceremony and great company.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager