A Double Advancement at Pontefract Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.878

Thursday 23rd January 2025 and a ‘special’ meeting at Pontefract.  On hand to see this was W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown Assistant Provincial Grand Master with an escort from The West Yorkshire Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.2018. 

There were forty Brethren present to see W.Bro. Geoffrey Pearce return after recent health issues to take his rightful place as Worshipful Master.  It was a busy schedule for him to steer through with not only the Advancement but, a ballot for three further members and, three Grand Lodge certificates to be presented. 

The Advancement ceremony was actually done by W.Bro. Ian Robertson.  Andrew had already been offered and declined the gavel by Geoff, and it looked very much like Ian was going to try again.  A little look and wry smile from Andrew which seemed to say, don’t even try it, coz I am not doing it!’ was enough and Ian carried on.    It was a slightly different Advancement as one of the candidates Bro. Chris Eyre had already being Advanced under the Scottish Constitution and so rather than just becoming a joining member, he also took part in the Advancement ceremony.  It was better going forward that he went through the ceremony making his path to the chair easier in the future.  Both Chris a member of St. Oswald Lodge No.910 and Bro. Martin Lambert of De Lacy Lodge No.4643 where then Advanced in fine style with a great ceremony of Advancement.  Congratulations to Ian and the team for a great ceremony that had to be delivered with a few subtle differences.  Wonderful to see. 

It certainly was a talking point for all at the Festive board.  Chris in his response at the Festive board said he had thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony and that it wasn’t really that much different to the one he had done in Scotland.  The bonus being here, of course he understood every word said!  Martin in his response agreed with Chris that it indeed had been a great ceremony, and he would certainly like Chris endeavor to be a valuable member to the Lodge.

Welcome to our wonderful order Bros. Chris Eyre and Martin Lambert.

Brethren, it was certainly a night to remember. Thank you, Pontefract Lodge of M.M.M. No.878, for a wonderful evening.

With thanks to

W.Bro. John M. Fitzpatrick

P. Prov.G.Stwd.