Tuesday the 7th November and Mark Master Masons convened at the Masonic Hall Swinton to witness the Advancement of Brother David Anderson, a well known local Freemason, Member of Rockingham lodge No. 4282. A warm welcome was evident from all, including the Candidate, who had a beaming smile from the moment I met him, this was maintained throughout the Ceremony.
Proceedings commenced with a welcome from the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Sunderland who the opened the Lodge in fine form, confirmed the Minutes of the Lodge meeting in October, received correspondence, passed accounts and most importantly Invested the Master Overseer, Brother Jeremy Neal who was unable to attend the Installation. A ballot was then taken for Bro. David, this was positive and he entered the Lodge under the guidance of the Acting Senior Deacon, W.Bro. Jim Stanley and Junior Deacon Bro. Steven Linstead, The Ceremony followed, all those taking part can be truly proud of their performance including Bro. David who smiled throughout. The Signs and Secrets superbly despatched in the hands of Worshipful Brother Charles Lindsay, Address to the Badge, Worshipful Brother Ian Yates, Working Tools, Worshipful Brother Jack Anderson and the Conclusion, a wonderful delivery by Worshipful Brother Robert Davis. All in all an honour to be there

During the Ceremony the Chants and other Musical interludes were ether performed solo or led by Worshipful Brother Trevor Brown, I have never witnessed better, or at least that is what I thought Trevor told me to say!! Attention then turned to the Almoners Report from Brother Steven, Alms were collected, W.Bro. Jim advised that there will be Sunday Lunch at Tapton Hall under the South Yorkshire Association of Installed Masters, this to take place on Sunday, the 11th of February 2024. There being nothing else of moment, the Lodge was closed in due from and all adjourned for a well earned Repast.
The Festive Board was of the high standard that I have been used to over the years. The Toast to Brother David was a joint affair although I doubt that it was meant to be. W..Bro. Charles, D of C began, he being Seconder and then W. Bro, Alan Bartrop, Proposer, concluded. In summary they both commended Bro. David to the Lodge, confident that he would prove to be a most conscientious and committed Mark Master Mason; all agreed and Bro. David made note in response that it had been a most relaxed and happy evening, thanking all for the welcome he received, Yes David that is the core of Mark Masonry.
The Senior Warden, W,Bro. Robert Adey congratulated W.Bro. Ian on his leadership throughout which W.Bro. Ian acknowledged adding his own thanks to all who took part.. Last but not least, W.Bro. Ian Yates, Junior Warden presented the Visitors Toast, apparently there were seven visitors out of a total attendance of twenty two. Responding, Worshipful Brother Arthur Leach of Danum Lodge No.398 confirmed that all the visitors had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, congratulated Bro. David upon his advancement and looked forward to his next trip to Swinton. Agreed.
Smile, Be happy, we are all Mark Master Masons.
V.W.Bro. Duncan Smith. PGJO