A Wonderful Night at Beaumont Lodge of MMM No.1523

Thursday 12th December 2024 and a fantastic meeting in the Masonic Hall Kirkburton. The great and the good gathering to see W.Bro. Glenn Gary Parker installed as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.

Not only that but, W.Bro. Marsden being appointed Provincial Grand Secretary and, W.Bro. Jason Cunningham as Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary.

It was also recognition of the hard work and growth the Province has shown over the years. Current membership stands at over 1200 members with 44 Mark Lodges and 22 RAM Lodges. Several new initiatives have seen the numbers steadily grow and a request was made to Grand Lodge from the Rulers with regards the effort being made and the need to support every increasing membership. Grand Lodge listened kindly to the request and agreed that an added appointment of a second A.Prov.G.M. was appropriate. No doubt the new team of four Rulers will continue to work hard to forward the interests of the Mark and RAM orders.

It really was a great night with nearly 70 Brethren filling the room to capacity.

The ceremonial conducted with great aplomb. Importantly both the meeting and Festive board had a lot of fun and enjoyment and is the reason our fantastic Province continues to grow and thrive.

Brethren continue to Mark Well.

W.Bro. Andrew Johnson

Communications Manager