Installation at Caldene Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner No 501

Thursday 28th November 2024 saw Bro. Martin Grace, aged 39 years, Installed as one of the youngest Commanders of Caldene RAM in the last 24 years. The last being W. Bro. Jamie Bennison, who was installed as W.C.N. in 2000 aged 35 years.  On hand to see this was W.Bro. G. Gary Parker R.A.M.G.R.     

Great to see W. Bro. Richard Jessop there to install his successor even though he is still having ongoing medical treatment.  Congratulations Richard and to all your officers for a fabulous Installation meeting.  Martin will no doubt remember such a super meeting.  

Caldene Mark and Ram are doing really well at present, it must be the number of visits they make around the Province, enthusiasm is of course contagious.  Bro. Craig Oates is to be Elevated on Thursday 27th March 2025.  Further good news with a proposition for another candidate in Bro. Graham S. Franklin who only joined Caldene Mark last Month and Bro. David Jones as a joining member.

Time to retire for the Festive board. The food is always well received by everyone who attends Caldene.  Gary congratulated Martin on behalf of the Prov. G.M. and, the Lodge for a wonderful evening.  Gary talked about the Carol Service to take place on Sunday 8th December at Brighouse Methodist Church starting at 2:30pm. Open to all Mark Masons their family and friends. It’s the 75th Anniversary of the event and it is hoped will be well supported.  Why not come along its always a fabulous occasion.  There will be tea and coffee afterwards as usual and, this year even a piece of anniversary cake to celebrate 75 years of this wonderful event. 

Congratulations to now. W.Bro. Martin Grace and all his officers.  2025 is certainly going to be a busy year for you.

With thanks to

W. Bro John M. Fitzpatrick