Bro. James Metcalfe of The Old York Lodge of Mark Master Masons T.I.

Tuesday 26th November 2024 and a warm welcome at The Masonic Hall, Cleckheaton.  They are a friendly bunch down in the Spen Valley.  The W.M. W.Bro. Roderick (Roddy) Fraser greeting all with his warm and infectious smile.  Showing no nerves at all even though this was his first meeting after his recent Installation.  Plenty of visitors as always at Old York with the Prov. G.S.W. W.Bro. Willam R. Light present yet again.  Surely somebody needs to give him forms so he can become a joining member…..

The main business was yet another candidate for Old York.  It really has been a busy 12 months for them with candidates at nearly every meeting.  The candidate was Bro. James Metcalfe son of Bro. David Metcalfe, who only joined in September and had already got James to follow in his footsteps. 

Everyone was in their place and the proceedings began.  Roddy duly opened the meeting and then swapped with W.Bro. Christian Holmes the I.P.M. who was to conduct the Advancement.  But there was mischief made.  A knock on the door, nothing unusual there.  Perhaps a late arrival but no, W.Bro. Clive Hawkins the Prov. Dep. G.D.C. entered saying W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown the Assistant Provincial Grand Master was without and demanded admission.  Christian a little shocked said “well we’d better let him in then”. Which was duly done.

Christian with the colour slowly returning to his cheeks offered the gavel and Andrew surprisingly accepted and took the chair!  Andrew then with a dead pan face said there were normally two reasons a ruler turned up unannounced and took the chair, these were to promote someone, or to take over and perform a different ceremony.  There was he then said a third reason, that being one of pure devilment which was said with a real grin and smile on his face.  This of course brought a roar of laughter.  With that Andrew then quickly passed the gavel back and Christian allowed to carry on. 

A super ceremony then took place, and all the newly appointed officers performed a superb Advancement.  We would not expect anything less for the Premier Lodge of the Province…..!

A super Festive board.  The food at Old York really seems to get better and better and is great value.  Andrew thanked the Lodge for the warm welcome and his coconspirator W.Bro. Ian Booth who had booked in both Andrew and Clive under fictitious names – certainly mischief made!  Andrew went on to welcome James to the order and Old York in particular.  Then going on to explain the reasons for the forthcoming appointments of W.Bro. G. Gary Parker the current Prov. G. Sec. to the role of Assistant Provincial Grand Master, giving the Province two Assistants, W. Bro Warren Marsden being promoted to Prov.G.Sec. and, W. Bro Jason Cunningham to Prov.Dep.G.Sec.  All appointments being fully deserved.    

Roddy thanked all the visiting Brethren who helped in the Lodge during the evening and, hoped they would continue to visit. 

Welcome Bro. James Metcalfe to our wonderful order and into Old York Lodge of Mark Master Mason T.I. in particular.

With thanks to

W.Bro. John M. Fitzpatrick
