On Thursday 4th July 2024 the B.D.I.M.A. was well represented at Wharfedale, with the President, Treasurer and Secretary all in attendance, and the President having great support from members of his own Lodge Old York T.I.
The welcome at Wharfedale is always cordial and almost feels like a “home fixture” for visiting Brethren, this despite the date being Independence Day across the pond – no feeling of being unwelcome here.

The W.M., W.Bro. Philip Denison, opened the Lodge in fine manner, this being his first meeting since his installation into the Chair of Adoniram, and he looked and sounded confident.
The main business of the evening was to receive a presentation entitled Lecture on the Mark Degree, delivered by W.Bro. David Hymas.

The presentation got off to a strange start as W.Bro.Hymas started by explaining how he had spent the earlier part of the day prosecuting a case of effluent discharge and the meeting sat in anticipation of how this was to be included in a Lecture about the Mark Degree, thankfully propriety won the day!

The lecture was delivered with much passion and an obvious knowledge of the subject, articulated in a way that not many Brethren can match.
We moved to the Festive Board which was to the usual high standard and the chatter around the room was a great advert for the friendliest of degrees – a great evening all round.
Mark Well. Support your I.M.A’s.
With thanks to W.Bro. Philip Harrison
President B.D.I.M.A.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager