Tuesday 5th March 2024 and a warm welcome was given to all the visitors from the members of Gothic. It’s a great building, super rooms, and super food. Bit of an early start with a 5:15 p.m. kick off but this didn’t deter the Brethren who were all ready and raring to go. W.Bro. Charles Lindsay the Lodge D.C. making sure all was ship shape and Bristol fashion. Checking there were no signs of crumbs or brown sauce on ties from the pork pie and biscuits provided earlier!

W.Bro. G. Gary Parker Prov. G.Sec. the representative of R.W. Bro. J. Trevor Bolton the Prov. G.M. and, W. Bro. Paul Levey on duty as the Elected Representative of the Charity Committee. It was a busy evening for the secretary W.Bro. Neil Park as he was also the Installing Master. There were a few stand in officers with members of the Lodge and visitors helping out. Always great to see and what we Mark Masons are always happy to do.

Neil did a fine job in installing W.Bro. Ralph Adey. It was Ralphs second time in the chair, and he said he would be much better this time than his first time as he didn’t really know what he was doing the first time and was nervous. This time he said he perhaps still didn’t know what he was doing but, was more relaxed about it!
If he didn’t know what he was doing it certainly didn’t show. Once in the chair he ran a slick show. All the addresses done in fine style and officers appointed the lodge was closed and it was on to the Festive board.

It was a fabulous Festive board, and the eleven visitors were really well looked after by the members of Gothic. Gary thanked W.Bro. Alan Bartrop for his kind words about the Province and his reference to ‘The Magic of the Mark’ and how the Provincial officers worked their magic. Gary went on to talk about our ever-evolvingclose relationship with the Craft and, other orders and, the fantastic number who had been advanced in to our order in the last twelve months – 80 to date, great news indeed. Paul responding to the toast to the Mark Benevolent Fund and the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust always gives some great information about what our charity achieves and, don’t forget it is our charity. A lot of work goes unseen. Things such as adapting people’s homes so they can continue to live as usual and, supporting children’seducation. The list is endless. Please support it if you can.

Ralph then took the reins again and showed he really does know what he’s doing and thanked everyone for what they had done. Especially Neil in his role as secretary and Installing Master who, responded accordingly.

A great Mark evening, congratulations to al at Gothic for a super night.
Andrew Johnson
Communications manager