Monday 21 October 2024 and a new W.M. for Dewsbury Mark Lodge, in now W.Bro. David Bachelor. David has only been in Dewsbury Mark for 4 years but, has actually been a Mark Master Mason since 2000, having recently seen the light and re-joining the Mark.

It’s not often a son installs his father into the chair but that’s what happened. The W.M. W.Bro. Robert Bachelor installing Bro. Dad. Robert did a fine job in installing David and, as David said it was perhaps the best Installation he had seen! There was a little help from the visitors who sat in an office and, also delivered an address, but we all know that’s what our order and masonry in general is about.

In attendance from the Province was R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton Prov.G.M., W. Bro. Paul Levey Elected Representative of the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust all, under the watchful eye of W.Bro. Mark Holland the Prov.G.D.C.
At the Festive board Trevor said he had really enjoyed the evening and congratulated Robert on the fine job he did. He told us of the Christmas Carol service to be held at Brighouse Methodist Church on Sunday 8th December, always a great start to the festive season and that he hoped many would join in the day. He talked about our Dep.Prov. Grand Master Alan Oldfield now a R.W.Bro. and, the wonderful day that was held at Mirfield Masonic Hall only a few days ago. Not often you see the Pro. Grand Master. M.W.Bro. John Herbert Prizeman travel over two hundred miles to confirm the honour of P.G.J.W. on Alan. Probably a unique occasion never to be seen again.

W.Bro. Paul Levey spoke of the wonderful work the Cleeves and whitehead Trust do and the need for our continued support so they can continue to do all the great things they do.
The toast to the visitors was given by W.Bro. John Davies who thanked their visitors for helping it to be such a good meeting and giving help where needed. In response both John and the Lodge were thanked for their ceremony, company, food and, their great hospitality.
Thank you, Dewsbury Lodge of M.M.M. No.641 for a great evening.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager