Portal Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.127 goes from Strength to Strength

Thursday 16th January 2025 and yet another candidate for Portal their last one being only a month ago.  The candidate this time being Bro. Wayne Salter of Holgate Lodge No 4702. W.Bro. G. Gary Parker A.Prov.G.M. in attendance together with an escort from the West Yorkshire Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No. 2018 making a total of thirteen visitors from eleven Lodges.   

Gary was offered the gavel by the W.M. W.Bro. Barry Walker and briefly took it but, handing it back saying he was looking forward to a wonderful ceremony and was here to check Decembers ceremony wasn’t just a fluke!  Decembers ceremony was certainly no fluke and the Lodge carried out a first class ceremony delivered with sincerity, Barry leading from the front.

Portal has further Advancements to come with three more candidates proposed as well as a joining member.  Well done, Portal, fantastic news.

A fun and entertaining festive board with great food and great company.  The presence of Gary and so many visitors no doubt made it a very special night for now Mark Master Mason Bro. Wayne Salter.  Welcome to our wonderful order Wayne. 

Visitors really do make a difference.  Have a look on the website calendar and check out the information on what’s happening in your own I.M.A. and see where you fancy going next. 

With thanks to

W.Bro. John M. Fitzpatrick
