A wonderful Night at Dewsbury Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.641

Monday 20th January 2025 and W.Bro. G. Gary Parker Assistant Provincial Grand Masters first outing with an Escort of Acting Provincial Officers.  He cannot have been disappointed, Dewsbury put on a great demonstration of the ceremony of Advancement.  Good practice for their next meeting on Monday 17th March when they will be having a double Advancement. 

Their W.M. W.Bro. David Bachelor led a great team with W.Bro. Robert Bachelor doing a super job as Senior Deacon, conducted in style but with a bit of humour to boot.    

A fantastic Festive board.  Good food and, great company too.  Gary spoke of the forthcoming meeting on 27th February at Southwood, Halifax when W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown will be appointed as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and, V.W.Bro. Philip Oldfield will appointed and take Andrews place as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.   The other main topic Gary spoke about was the Provincial meeting to be held at Bradford Grammar School on Saturday 12th April with dining again at the Midland Hotel.  It is always a super day out and one not to be missed.  Details will be out shortly regards booking in. 

W.Bro. John Ashcroft gave the toast to the visitors thanking them for making it a special night for Dewsbury.  W.Bro. Tery Sweet eagerly responded saying what a great night it had been, closing telling a joke from his repertoire.  Terry is well known for his humour and easy smile in the South Yorkshire Installed Masters Association and brought the evening to a happy close.

Andrew Johnson

Communications Manager