Wednesday 4th September 2024 with the A.G.M. taking place at Tapton Hall, Sheffield. The president W.Bro. Steven Hides opened the meeting and welcomed both members and visitors which, included V.W.Bro. Alan Oldfield Dep. Prov. G.M., W.Bro. Andrew Brown A.Prov.G.M. and W.Bro. Gary Parker Prov.G.Sec. Also present were the president of B.D.I.M.A. W.Bro. Philip Harrison together with the treasurer W.Bro. Stuart Prince and other members of B.D.I.M.A., great to see as the associations are there not only to support their own lodges and brethren but the other associations as well. Steven going on to say he had really enjoyed his year visiting around the association and had enjoyed two very good Sunday lunch socials. He closed by saying he hoped the incoming president would enjoy his year and get the support he deserved.

Business was swiftly dealt with, and it was then on to the main event which was to elect the incoming officers which was duly done:

President W.Bro. Michael J. Speight – Rother No.651
Senior Vice President W.Bro. Keith Bingham – Lascelles No.887
Junior Vice President W.Bro. Glen Rowbottom – Sincerity No.943
Treasurer W.Bro. Steven Hides – Cleeves No.618
Secretary W.Bro. Simon Green – Brittania No.53
V.W.Bro. Alan then addressed the meeting. He first brought the congratulations and best wishes to Michael and the new team from R.W. Bro. J. Trevor Bolton Prov.G.M. wishing them a good year and every success, adding of course his own and Andrews congratulations. He referred firstly back to Stevens opening welcome when he had mentioned that the S.Y.A.I.M. were happy to move with the new initiative of a name change for the associations which would make it clearer as to its inclusiveness off ALL Mark Master Masons. To this end a meeting with the rulers and representatives of all the associations would be taking place shortly to formalise and agree the new name. Alan then went on to talk about our forthcoming provincial meeting on Saturday 12th April 2025 again at Bradford Grammar School with dining at the Midland Hotel. The dining has been very successful the last two years and, last year saw us only fifty places short of capacity for dining. The dining at the Midland has been superb and with a few tweaks will be even better this time. Please book early so as not to be disappointed. It is also a great opportunity of course to support Trevor in the one day a year he takes the chair of his own Lodge. If you can’t dine then why not just support and enjoy the meeting. The other main topic Alan spoke about was the plan to present Grand Lodge Certificates in each association area perhaps once or twice a year with a ruler presenting the certificate. Imagine what a great event they would be if the brother receiving his certificate were to bring with him his proposer, seconder, W.M. and other members of his Lodge. It would really make for a special evening at least four or possibly eight times a year across the province. B.D.I.M.A. have already got two such evenings planned and S.Y.A.I.M., one. He closed by thanking everyone for supporting their I.M.A.

The new president Michael closed the meeting saying he was looking forward to a fabulous year and would appreciate support across the board both at meetings and social occasions.
A great meeting and the pie and peas were superb. Bottles of ‘Hendos’ of course on all tables, well it is South Yorkshire!
Don’t forget brethren as Alan said ‘Mark Masonry makes even better men out of those who are already Masons’
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager