Thursday 5th September 2024 saw W.Bro. David Pilgrim proclaimed as Worshipful Master at Southwood, Halifax. David became W.M. last year and this is his second year in office. The Lodge was supported by eleven visiting brethren making for a much better evening. There was support from W.Bro. Andrew Taylor President of the H.H. &D.I.M.A., the Senior Vice President and other members of the association.

Representing the Provincial Grand Master was W.Bro. Matthew Brelsford Prov.G.S.O. and accompanied by W.Bro. Richard Stone the elected representative of the charity committee. Both being well looked after by W.Bro. Robert Barton Prov.A.G.D.C.

Matthew and Richard were warmly welcomed by David who took their rightful places. W.Bro. David Crowther then in a relaxed and sincere manner proclaimed David as W.M. for the ensuing year. There was some encouraging news for Halifax Lodge when a proposal was given for a candidate in the coming months.
A fine festive board. Matthew wished David and the lodge every success in the coming twelve months and, congratulated them on their forth coming candidate. New members are vital to the lodge but, equally important are the current members and what they bring. Support, ritual, encouragement and the ability to answer questions candidates and new embers bring. We should not neglect our other masonic duties and support our craft Lodges as that is where we will find new members. We have the ideal tools such as the Magic of the Mark video, pamphlets and, QR code business cards to help promote our wonderful order.

W. Bro Richard Stone, the elected representative of the Charity committee thanked W. Bro. Malcolm Priestley the charity steward and the Lodge for their generosity of a cheque for the Mark Benevolent Fund and the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust. He reminded brethren that the Almoners lunch will be taking place on Monday 7thOctober at Tapton Hall, Sheffield. If anyone knows of someone who would like to go,please let your lodge Almoner know who will help them make the necessary booking.

V.W Bro. Alan Oldfield Dep.Prov.G.M. Oldfield responded on behalf of the visitors. He explained it was along established tradition that his Lodge Fearnley Lodge of M.M.M. No.58 and Halifax Lodge attend each other’s meetings and always respond respond on behalf of the visitors He went on to explain how this all came about andtalked of their long history together and, the support they give each other.
With thanks to
W. Bro John M. Fitzpatrick
P.Prov. G. Stwd.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager