The Portal Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Installation.

Thursday,  19th December 2024.

Xmas just around the corner and a goodly number of Mark Master Masons gathered at the Masonic Hall , Eastgate, Barnsley to witness the Elevation of Bro. Ian Frankish of the Holgate Lodge no. 4792. Also to welcome the newly appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master  Worshipful Brother Gary Parker.

The Lodge was opened in good order by the Worshipful Master Worshipful Brother Barry Walker, ably supported by his Officers. The minutes of the previous regular Lodge were approved and attention turned to a report which brought forward the Assistant Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Worshipful Brother Edward Wilkinson. He announced that W.Bro. Gary was without and would like to join the assembled company. This was agreed and he was received, accompanied by an Escort from the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge, to rapturous applause, and saluted accordingly.

Bro. Ian was then admitted under the guidance of the Senior Deacon,  W.Bro. Ray Hooley accompanied by the Junior Deacon, W.Bro. Rodney Tolson. After his acceptance he was Obligated in fine style and retired from the Lodge, upon his return, and subject to proving himself worthy,, he was confirmed as a Mark Master Mason and the Signs and Secrets were inculcated in excellent form by the D.C., Worshipful Brother Ian Schofield, a most polished delivery, Ian is a competent ritualist, The Badge and Jewel were then delivered by the Senior Warden, Worshipful Brother Trevor Hurd in fine style followed by W.Bro. Ian explaining the working tools. Bro, Ian was then welcomed by the W.M. W. Bro Barry and took his seat in the Lodge.

The accounts were then received and approved, the Treasurer W. Bro Raymond duly content. good news, The remaining business was then despatched particularly W. Bro. Herbert Wistow confirmed as an Honorary Member, a servant of long standing, where upon all adjourned for a well earned Festive Board, sumptuous roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, who could ask for more!

With time passing the Toast list was speedily delivered under the direction of the D.C. W. Bro. Ian, yes he had worked quite hard on the night. The Toast to the Province was in the hands of the W.M., W.Bro. Barry, the response in the capable hands of W.Bro. Gary who outlined some of the initiatives which have recently been introduced. Rulers will not automatically attend Installations, only if it is a new Master in the Chair. They will attempt to attend for a new Advancee as is the case with this ceremony for Bro. Ian.  A letter giving further detail will be sent to all Lodges to provide detail. Presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates is to be given enhanced publicity and it is intended that a Lodge will supported  with an IMA visit and a Ruler present. Other Lodges can attend with their Master and Proposers in attendance, Excellent idea, I am sure you all agree.

Attention was also drawn to the Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners. A wonderful , colourful Order in its own right,  and one to which only Mark Master Masons qualify to attend. Finally he thanked all the Officers of the Lodge for the diligent discharge of their duties, without them we would not exist. S.W. Trevor Hurd praised the W.M. W.Bro Barry for the admirable way that he had led the Lodge which had brought forth two candidates .. W..Bro. Barry replied accordingly. This left W.Bro. Chris to submit the Toast to Bro. Ian who he had no doubts would prove an excellent Member,  given his attention to the Ceremony throughout, I consider that very likely. Responding Bro. Ian thanked his escorts through the Advancement  W,Bro’s, Ray and Rod and assured all present that he most certainly was looking forward to being involved in future meetings.

Another wonderful Mark Masonic celebration, Smile and be happy.

V.W.Bro. Duncan Smith PGJO