The installation meeting took place for the Lodge of Truth on Thursday 16th of November 2023, at Greenhead Masonic Hall Huddersfield.
W. Bro. Julian Gunson the W.M. opened the meeting. A report was given, and the ever-smiling W. Bro.Charles Lyndsay Prov.A.G.D.C. entered the Lodge, closely followed by W. Bro. Gary Parker Prov.G.Sec. representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master together with W. Bro. Paul Levey an Elected Representative of the Charity Committee. Gary was welcomed and responded saying he was looking forward to a great evening. With everyone in their seats, a short installation ceremony then took place and W.Bro. Richard Brooke was installed as the Master of Truth. Although the ceremony was a short one, Julian did a top-class job of installing his very good friend Richard into the chair.

There were a couple of late arrivals due to traffic congestion. Good job they did arrive as one of them, Bro. Connor McCrudden was later appointed and invested as Junior Warden. Apologies were given and they took their seats. There was plenty of good ritual but, credit must be given to the ever-young W. Bro Walter Pell, not only did he present the Keystone Collarette but, he also gave the address to the Master.

W. Bro. Andrew Taylor gave a brief report on behalf of the Huddersfield, Halifax and District Installed Master Association pointing out the next visit would be to Brighouse Lodge No. 753 on Monday 11th December 2023. All Mark Master Masons are welcome to attend. Please refer to the website where all I.M.A. planned visits can be found.

A hearty meal awaited at the Festive Board and a time to reflect on the meeting. Gary in his response to Bro. John Robinsons toast firstly passed on the congratulations and best wishes of the Prov. G.M. as well as his own. He thanked all the Brethren present for their support during the Festival. He went on to talk about the continuing close relationship between the Craft and Mark. The more Craft members we have then it follows the more are eligible to join the Mark.

W. Bro. Paul Levey in his response to toast No. 6 thanked the Brethren of Truth for their generosity with the cheque presented to him, which will be passed on at once so the fabulous work the Trust does can continue. He talked about how the Cleeves & Whitehead Trust had worked hard to support our recent Festival and is now building up funds so their work can continue. One way of supporting the Trust is by donations through standing orders and perhaps looking to leave a legacy. All very easy to do. The new ties, pocket squares and pins are all readily available. All money raised by these fantastic ties goes directly to the Trust. Please try to support it if you can.
Another great Mark evening. Thank you to Truth for a super meeting and Festive board.
With thanks to
W. Bro John M Fitzpatrick