Tuesday 24th September 2024 a plethora of Mark Master Masons descended on the Masonic Hall, West Vale, Halifax.

This was the third double Advancement ceremony in as many Lodge meetings. The candidates being Bros. Aaron M. Brown and Adam T. Milner both Master Masons of De Warren Lodge No 1302. S.D. at Eland is the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Andrew J. Brown not a bad option to lead the new candidates, eh?

The H&HDIMA were also out in force for their first official visit of the new season with both the President, Senior Vice-President and several Lodge representatives present. Some even taking up office which, shows what the associations are all about.

The W.M. W.Bro. Malcom Harrison got the show under way and what a show it was. The hard work Eland had put in certainly showed and, it was a smooth and well conducted ceremony.
A lovely Festive board where Andrew the A.Prov.G.M. congratulated both Aaron and Adam welcoming them to the order and presenting them with a set of Mark cufflinks.

The future of Eland certainly looks good with three recently Advanced candidates all taking office for the night. That together with other recently Advanced Brethren and,the addition of Aaron and Adam tonight will give the newly elected Master Elect Bro. Ian Shaw-Peters plenty of choice and options when appointing his officers at their Installation meeting in October. An excellent evening, great ceremony, great food and more importantly great company.
Welcome Bros. Aaron M. Brown and Adam T. Milner to Eland and to our fantastic order.
With thanks to
W.Bro. John M. Fitzpatrick
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager