Mark Master Masons gathered at the Allerton to witness the Installation of the Senior Warden, Bro. Nigel Norris, sadly this followed the passing to the Grand Lodge above of W.Bro. Stuart Burrows on the 14th March. All stood in respect to departed merit. Matters, were therefore in the hands of the Immediate Past Master. W.Bro. Lance Johnson who duly navigated the opening procedures, minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed, attention then turned to the Installation.
Upon a report, W.Bro. Clive Hawkins, Prov.A.G.D.C. was admitted and advised that the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother John Trevor Bolton was without, together with an Escort of Grand Lodge Officers and W.Bro. Alan Corbridge Elected Member of the Charity Committee, they demanded admission. This was duly granted, all were welcomed and took their seats, whereupon they received Salutations according to Rank.
W.Bro. Keith Derry then presented Bro. Norris, the necessary questions were proposed and answered, at which point W.Bro. Lance thanked all the Officers for their commitment and enthusiasm in the past year, they then returned their collars to him.. Bro. Norris was then duly obligated in fine style in the hands of W.Bro. Lance; Signs and Secrets inculcated by W.Bro. David Wadeley and, finally, presented with the Collar, Jewel and Badge of his office and placed in the Chair of Adoniram; Bro. Bill Waters then explained the working Tools of a Mark Master Mason. This was followed by the Transfer of the Warrant of the Lodge to W.Bro. Norris together with the Book of Constitutions, Lodge By laws and Provincial Bye Laws. I must note that, en route we were advised, that the Lodge had three Candidates in the wings, good news!
At this juncture, the Addresses were delivered in fine style as follows;
Worshipful Master W.Bro. Keith Derry,
Wardens W. Bro. John Mitchell,
Overseers W.Bro.David Wadeley
Brethren.R.W.Bro. John Trevor Bolton,
Attention then moved to Housekeeping matters being Leeds D.I.M.A,, W.Bro. Keith to the fore again and a most comprehensive Almoners Report by W.Bro John Derwanz.. The business of the Lodge complete, it was closed and all moved to a nearby Golf Club for appropriate sustenance This consisted of a delicious Lamb stew served with Dumplings, some years since I have enjoyed fine fare such as that, Dessert was Apple crumble equally well received.
R.W.Bro. Trevor responding to his Toast congratulated W.Bro.Norris on his preferment and, in the knowledge of the candidates he already had in line, he also looked to the year ahead, Copley Lodge is R.W.Bro Trevors own Lodge. He was looking forward to seeing him around the Province which has already been the case in the past Masonic Year., his enthusiasm and dedication are evident. W.Bro. Alan Corbridge, Elected Member of the Charity Committee, received a donation to the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust and thanked the Lodge for their generosity. He also shared some memories of the many years that Stuart and he had shared in friendship both in and out of Freemasonry. The Toast to the W.Bro. Norris was submitted by W.Bro. Lance who stressed that W.Bro. Norris is a busy Freemason, who he is sure will have a successful and enjoyable year in Office.
A most convivial evening demonstrating the fellowship at the heart of the Magic of the Mark.
Smile be happy, we are all Mark Master Masons
V.W.Bro. Duncan Smith P.G.J.O