Tuesday 2nd July 2024 and what a visit it was. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Andrew James Brown leading out the new team of acting officers for their first official visit. And very smart and organised they looked too with W.Bro. Edward Wilkinson Prov. A.G.D.C. running a tight ship. W.Bros. William Light Prov.G.S.W. and Kevin Lloyd Prov G.J.W. again, out and about setting a great example of what being an acting officer is all about, well done chaps. The Lodge led by their Worshipful Master W.Bro. Martin Grace did a great demonstration of the ceremony of Advancement. There was some great ritual. Martin had worked particularly hard to fine tune his performance. The only slight disappointment was that the joining of Graham Franklin who many of you will know from the Holy Royal Arch had had to be delayed for reasons outside of anyone’s control and, is now planned for later in the year. The stand in ‘candidate’ W.Bro. Steven Littlewood making up for it with his great sense of humour. Apparently the ‘wages’ (chocolate eclairs) just one of his many quips were a little small for him but, the Senior Deacon W.Bro. Ken Lambshead was happy to share his saying that they didn’t really suit his diabetes!

On to the festive board and everyone really did enjoy each other’s company and were certainly well fed. It was a busy and full meeting showing the benefits of such visits and, also showing what the I.M.A’s can bring to meetings. W.Bro. Michael Jessop giving toast No.5 said what an honour it was for Caldene to be able to host such a meeting and being a small Lodge, the visit had really helped swell the numbers making for a special night, thanking Andy for bringing his team along. He did admit however to being a ‘spy in the camp’ as he had only a few days ago had a meeting with the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton who had asked him to keep an eye out for a pesky squirrel or two. Mick said both he and Trevor had theirsuspects lined up several of which he said were present this evening? He would certainly be reporting back in due course! Watch out Squiggy it looks like they are on to you!

Andy in his response thanked W.Bro. Smith (Mick Jessop). Perhaps this was him getting his own back on Mick who initially announced Andy as a certain Andrew James Taylor of Durn Duran fame certainly bringing a smile to both Andy and Micks faces. Andy firstly brought the best wishes of Trevor going on to talk about escorted visits which first started in 1999 as just three, increasing to six and was now nine. That and changes in representation at Installations would ensure that the three rulers would be able to get out to more Advancements and certainly be around more Mark and Ram Lodges and hopefully generating more interest. Finally, Andy thanked his D.C. for the night Edward and, all the team for their support and Mick for his very kind words.

The J.W. Bro. Richard Cameron thanked all the visitors for their support and making it a great night at Eastwood. Billy Light in responding said it really had been a special night and, was sure everyone had enjoyed a great night and would no doubt be back soon.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager