Tuesday 17th of October 2023 saw the rescheduled Installation meeting of Caldene Lodge at Bottoms, Todmorden. The W.M. W. Bro Peter Grace, making the two-hundred-mile journey from Swindon, determined to install his son Bro. Martin Grace.

W. Bro Andrew Brown Prov. G.D.C. was the personal representative of the Provicial Grand Master. And W. Bro Mark Kenyon was the elected representative of the Charity Committee.
A quick-change Peter then opened the Lodge, composed himself and was ready for the task ahead. W. Bro Clive Hawkins Prov. A.G.D.C. formed an escort and both Andrew and Mark admitted. After a warm welcome from Peter, Andrew said he was looking forward to the evening and although he knew Peter was a little nervous it was a special occasion and was sure he would do a fine job installing his son Martin.

A fine ceremony then took place, a very proud father installing his son. The Brethren witnessed a great ceremony, and all the addresses were delivered in style. Congratulations to all taking part.
The usual caterer being away on holiday. Mrs. Sharon Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Julie Jessop took over and what an excellent festive board it was, especially at short notice. Either Steak Pie or Pork Pie with Mushy Peas or Mixed Vegetables and Potato Wedges. Followed with a great choice of desserts.

Andrew firstly passed on the congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful James Steggles G.M.R.A.C. to now W. Bro Martin Grace Worshipful Master. Also congratulating Peter on the way in which he had installed his son. Going on to say it was good to see Martin already out visiting along with a regular contingent of Caldene members. Andrew went on to mention the installation meeting of the new Provincial Grand Master at Bradford Grammer School Saturday 28th October 2023 and what a wonderful occasion it would be. The Festival being a great success, it was now time to help the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust after all the help and support they had given to the 2023 Festival. He went on to thank the Brethren of Caldene for their support visiting Lodges within the Province and for the #Caldene501ontour reports on Facebook.

W. Bro Ken Lambshead presented a cheque from Caldene to the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust which was accepted with thanks from Mark to Caldene and for the work they do in achieving such donations. Mark went on to explain the fantastic work the trust does. Then going on to promote the new ties, pocket squares and lapel pin badges available for both Mark and RAM. All money going directly to the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust.
W. Bro Steve Littlewood responded on behalf of the visitors congratulating both Martin and Peter on an excellent evening. Also, to Sharon and Julie for providing the meal. Closing the evening Martin thanked both Sharon and Julie for a fabulous festive board presenting them with flowers and gifts as a way of a thank you.
A great evening Brethen, Mark Well
With grateful thanks to
W. Bro John M Fitzpatrick P.Prov G.Stwd.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager