Installation time at Truth RAM, Worshipful Brother Barry Massam vacates the Chair having enjoyed his year at the helm of the good ship Truth. Awaiting him on the fore deck were his Officers and Crew including his First lieutenant Brother Graham Daniel who was about to take the helm.
W.Bro. Barry opened proceedings in due form whereupon the principal guest, Admiral of the Fleet, Right Worshipful Brother Trevor Bolton was welcomed aboard and received appropriate Salutations. Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous Meeting then took place and attention turned to the Installation. W.Bro.Bev Heywood presented the Commander Elect, the ancient charges and regulations received the assent of Bro. Graham, there being no Brethren present the Installation proceeded.

An Assembly of Installed Commanders was constituted and Bro. Graham was obligated following which he received the signs and secrets, was invested with the Badge and Collar of his Office and placed in the chair as Commander after which he was saluted by the Installed Commanders; no Brethren present, he was then proclaimed for the ensuing year. W.Bro. Barry then handed him the volume of the Sacred Law, entrusted him with the Warrant of the Lodge and the Regulations and By laws for the government of the Lodge. W,Bro. Bev, presented and explained the Key Stone Collarette, a party piece for which he is renowned leaving W.Bro Barry to Invest the W.C. with the Collarette and the M.B.F. Diamond Lodge Award. Officers for the year were then Appointed and Invested, concluding with the Address to W.Bro. Graham in the hands of W.Bro. Stephen Wood, wonderfully delivered with clarity and sincerity.

The remaining business in the Summons was then covered W.Bro. John Parker and W.Bro. Bev Heywood appointed as Account Examiners and the two Deacons to serve upon the Lodge Committee. The Almoners Report brought forth the sad news of the death Mrs Bill Place only a year or so alter Bill had passed to the Grand Lodge. There being no business of note remaining, the Lodge was closed and all adjourned for the Festive board.
The Toasts were in the hands of W.Bro. Bev, Director of Ceremonies and the Toast to the Admiral of the Fleet, R.W.Bro. Trevor soon arrived and was delivered in formal style by W.Bro. Graham. In response Trevor congratulated all the Officers on a most enjoyable evening where he has been a regular visitor throughout his Masonic career. A particular mention was made of the family style atmosphere, a perceptive comment and one quite often appropriate in Royal Ark Mariner Masonry, memories of W.Bro. Brian Emmett. He then concluded by thanking all for their company and hospitality.

This was followed with the Toast to W.Bro. Graham by his predecessor W.Bro Barry who emphasised that it had been a pleasure working with him during the past year, a view that Graham expressed in response. The Toast to the visitors was delivered by W.Bro. Gary Baines confirming that Visitors are always welcome, trusting that they had thoroughly enjoyed them selves and hoping that they would return, in my case you can rely on that. The response was submitted by W.Bro. Arthur Wainwright, very much at home as he is the W.M. of Truth Mark. He said It was a pleasure to have the honour of responding and he congratulated the Officers on the sincere and efficient manner in which the ceremony had been conducted.
A most enjoyable evening, smile, be happy, you are all Royal Ark Mariners.
Worshipful Brother Duncan Smith R.A.M.G.R.
Finally, a very big thank you to W.Bro. Andy Brown, Assistant Provincial Grand Master who stood in and took all the photos, except the one that includes himself of course.