Dewsbury Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.641 on Monday 16th September 2024 sawMatthew welcomed aboard. Great news for Dewsbury as it was their 3rd recruit in 12 months. To see the event was Admiral of the Fleet R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton Provincial Grand Master.

The captain of the ship W.C.N. W.Bro. Jason Cunningham welcomed Trevor aboard offering the helm but, an Admiral of the Fleet has crew to steer the way and thanked the captain for his courtesy with the instruction to carry on. Trevor saw a super ceremony led from the front by Jason who had certainly put the work in to ensure a good night for Able Seaman Matthew. It was a successful and enjoyable journey with crew from other Lodges taking up certain duties of the crew.

Once safely in port it was up to the officer’s mess for dinner. It’s a fantastic galley on ‘The Dewsbury’ and the crew were well fed which, is always the case whether the seas be rough or calm.

Trevor firstly welcomed Matthew aboard. Then spoke of how well the new initiativesseemed to be going and that we had a steady number coming into both RAM and Mark. He then reminded the crew of all RAM Lodges that the good ship Carl Whitehead would be in Port at Tapton Hall, Sheffield on Saturday 5th October and, would welcome any visitors including partners to come and dine aboard.
Captain Jim Stanley W.C.N. of The Carl Whitehead Lodge No.110 then spoke and, explained the tradition of bringing with him the port in memory of R.W.Bro. Carl Whitehead the Provincial Grand Master for 30 years between 1959 and 1989. The port is served in a very special decanter engraved to Carl Whitehead and is treasured by the Lodge lucky enough to be the custodian of the decanter and carry on the wonderful tradition.

Jason then spoke of Matthew and how the Magic of the Mark video and a chance meeting with V.W.Bro. Alan Oldfield Deputy Provincial Grand Master had brought Matt into the Mark which, then led to him becoming a Royal Ark Mariner tonight. Jason spoke of their friendship and what an asset Matthew is at Haywra Mark Lodge and, that he will certainly bring the same to Dewsbury RAM. It was an honour to have him. In response Matthew said the honour was his and he would do his utmost to contribute and get involved where and whenever he could. It had he said been a great year for him. The best thing this year was certainly getting married and now he had the honour of becoming a Royal Ark Mariner. The ceremony was certainly magnificent, and he thanked everyone for taking part. Especially his best mate Bro.Jake Lowell who had taken a major part in the ceremony and had even given up his birthday night for him.

W.Bro. Philip Harrison the W.C.N of Old York RAM T.I. responding to the visitors toast said it really had been a great ceremony and Jason had run a tight ship. He did very tongue in cheek refer to two stand in visiting Brethren who had done a brilliant job but, of course he would as they were members of his own Lodge! On a serious note, he spoke very highly of Jake who Matthew had referred to earlier and confirmed he really had done a first class job all evening and that his closing address was fantastically delivered.
In closing the Festive board Jason wished everyone a very Merry Christmas! This being their last meeting until April next year. He did say there was plenty of other RAM Lodges to visit before then not least Old York T.I who on Thursday 31st October not only had a candidate to Elevate but were to receive the traveling porphyry stone and that a ruler would be present. Get along and visit if you can, you will be made most welcome.
Welcome aboard Bro. Matthew James Nemyria.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager