Always great news when we have a candidate joining our order and, on Friday 13thSeptember 2024 at Knaresborough Castle Lodge of M.M.M. No. 768 Anthony Lowe took his next step in Masonic knowledge and was advanced in a super ceremony and, became Bro. Anthony Lowe, Mark Master Mason.
There to see the event was the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton who had an escort of members from the Provincial Grand Stewards lodge and, Acting Officers of the year. The W.M. W.Bro. Trevor Batten welcomed the P.G.M. and offered the gavel. The W.M. seemed to have a well thought out plan saying they shared the same name of Trevor B and, that perhaps Trevor B should therefore take the gavel and complete the evening. Trevor B did take the gavel thanked Trevor B for his kindness swiftly passing it back so Trevor B could carry on!

A busy meeting with a Grand Lodge certificate to present as well as the main event of an Advancement. There were nearly 40 Brethren from across the Province with all 4associations represented. They were treated to a brilliant ceremony led from the front by the W.M. Anthony certainly enjoyed the ceremony but did look a little nervous during certain parts of the procedure!
On to the Festive board which as usual at Knaresborough Castle was first class. The W.M. welcomed the P.G.M. and his officers thanking them for making it a special night for the Lodge and the candidate. In response Trevor said he was certainly happy to be there and had enjoyed a wonderful evening, closing by welcoming Anthony to our order.

W.Bro. Jack Wilson spoke of the many attributes Anthony would bring to Knaresborough Castle and, the order in general saying he was a dedicated and committed Mason. Anthony in return thanked everyone for their warm welcome, the lodge for a great ceremony and assured everyone he would do his utmost to be an active member in the Lodge and around the Province.
Thank you Knaresborough Castle It really was a good night which, will be followed by another good night in November when they have a further candidate to Advance.
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager