Thursday 21st March 2024 Prince Edward lodge of M.M.M. No.14 had a very special meeting. Not only did they have a candidate to advance but, were honoured with the presence of the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. J. Trevor Bolton. Trevor had an escort from the West Yorkshire Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.2018. This being the second such visit from the Provincial Stewards. No doubt making this a special night for Dean.
Everyone in place the Lodge was opened by W.Bro. Phillip Howell whilst Trevor, Dean and the Provincial Stewards waited eagerly and patiently outside. Trevor and Dean chatting away. Trevor welcoming Dean to the Mark Degree and, hopefully, not giving away any secrets!
Once Trevor and the escort had been admitted and, taken their places Phillip offered the gavel. Trevor thanked him for his courtesy but quickly returned it. Phillip and his officers then began the ceremony and Dean was duly obligated. After which, W. Bro Richard Walker swapped his secretary’s chair for the Master’s and took over from Phillip and completed the rest of ceremony to a very high standard. In fact, all the officers who took part performed their duties without any problems. Phillip thanked Richard and resumed his place in the Master’s chair to complete the rest of the business of the Lodge.
A Festive board with a twist, curry being the main dish. Not surprising as both Trevor and other Brethren present are members of the Bradfordians Curry Club orgainised by W.Bro. Ian P. Booth any takers? It has about 30 members who meet regularly at various restaurants throughout the Province together with family and friends to sample various dishes and compare notes. Mary Berry be warned!
Trevor congratulated Dean and welcomed him to our wonderful order. He also congratulated the Lodge on a fantastic ceremony. Trevor said he was so pleased to attend a regular meeting and see an advancement. Such a change for him attending Installations. He went on to talk about the forthcoming Provincial meeting at Bradford Grammar school which was set to be a marvelous occasion as it always was. At that meeting he said he would be announcing several changes and new ideas that would be implemented in the future, all to make our order more interesting. This would make things such as becoming Master for the first time and being advanced even more special, very important to the incoming Master and of course new members especially. He thanked W.Bro. Mark Holland Prov.G.D.C. for all his help and support for the evening and the Provincial Stewards for their support.
Many congratulations to Bro. Dean Magee-Tingle. Welcome to our fantastic order.
With thanks to W. Bro John M Fitzpatrick
Andrew Johnson
Communications manager