Tuesday the 3rd October and the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. James Steggles G.M.R.A.C accompanied with an array of Provincial Officers of the year paid a visit to Tapton Hall, Sheffield. An interesting and enjoyable meeting. Once the meeting was opened various business took place including a eulogy for W.Bro. D. Garner who was well respected in the many orders he was a member of.
The members of Lascelles cannot fail to have been impressed with the many acting officers entering the Lodge escorting our Provincial Grand Master. All under the guidance of W.Bro. Andrew Brown the Prov. G.D.C.

Jim was given a warm welcome from the Worshipful Master W.Bro. John Hanks who tried to pass the gavel to him. Jim thanked him kindly but politely declined. John perhaps a little disappointed but maybe not surprised! W.Bro. Jack Pigott then gave a most interesting talk entitled The King, The Commoner and The Postage Stamp. There really were some most interesting information given which certainly early on made you think ‘what if’. Many will have seen the film Sliding Doors (not mentioned in Jacks talk) which demonstrates ‘what if’. Jack did refer to the film The Kings Speech and was most relevant to his presentation. A great talk. Perhaps we don’t realise the amount of research and effort that goes into such presentations. Jack was paid many compliments from both Jim and John as did many others. Perhaps not the last minute ‘well what can we do and, who can we ask’ Jack jokingly referred to in his opening!

There were Grand Lodge certificates to present to Bros. Michael Dally and Andrew White. Not often presented from a Provincial Grand Master. A surprise under any other business as the Secretary W.Bro. Peter Firth presented Jim with a beautiful decanter, a little something to go in it and, a flask for his travels. Jim was delighted and thanked them so very much for such wonderful gifts.

The festive board was a busy one and the food first class. You certainly knew you were in South Yorkshire as the tables were festooned with the local delicacy Hendersons relish. During the speeches the W.M. John thanked R.W.Bro. Jim for all his hard work over the many years and that he had certainly served the Province well. He hoped he would enjoy a little more time to himself and with Joan. RespondingJim thanked him for his kind words and that it had been great to be here. He also thanked Jack for his talk downstairs. He then gave his congratulations to Andrew Brown who was to be appointed as the Assistant Provincial Grand Master on the 28thof this month, who he knew was looking forward to it but, perhaps with a little trepidation. He also gave congratulations to W.Bros. Gary Parker and Mark Holland who were to receive RAM grand Rank this coming Saturday and were present this evening. He thanked all the Brethren of Lascelles and the Brethren throughout the Province for their efforts during the festival which achieved a fabulous nearly £1.6 million. Gong on to talk about our Annual Provincial meeting which again will be held at Bradford Grammar School with dining at the Midland Hotel which was so successful last year.
A great night which everyone there enjoyed.
Andrew Johnson
Communications manager