The September Communication Meeting of Mark Grand is, for many, the start of the new Masonic season. And what better way to kick it off than to hear the names of 117 Brethren read out, and to see those present invested with their new Grand Rank following their promotion. The ground floor of the Grand Temple at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, was full of recipients, supporters, and Provincial and District representatives, plus Brethren from across our own Constitution and those overseas.

The Pro Grand Master, M.W.Bro.John Herbert opened the meeting, together with R.W.Bro. Prof. Denovan Keith Wilson, A.G.M., and H. Keith Emmerson, P.Dep.G.M. The Pro Grand Master then addressed the meeting, commenting how pleased he was that our Grand Master had agreed for his name to go forward for re-election to serve another term in office. At this juncture, W.Bro. Sebastian Jeremy Dunsandle Daly, Prov.G.D.C. (Cheshire), rose to give notice that at the next Communication of Grand Lodge, he would propose the re-election of HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO, as Grand Master.
Reiterating the message of the Grand Secretary, the Pro Grand Master confirmed that a new Grand Treasurer will be elected in March and spoke warmly of R.W.Bro. John Norman George Howitt, commending his stewardship of Grand Lodge’s funds.

The Pro Grand Master then drew the attention of Brethren to the Mark Benevolent Fund’s quarter two review, published in last week’s Newsletter and congratulated the Mark Province of Dorset on becoming the first Grand Master’s Keystone Fund Province. He then informed Brethren that the MBF would be giving £25K from the Mark Emergency Relief Fund to ShelterBox to help with aid following the Morocco earthquake.
He then spoke of the indissoluble links between the Craft, Royal Arch, the Mark and the other Companion Orders, and how we all depend on the Craft to provide us with new members. He urged every Mark Brother to share this message with Brethren and Companions of our Lodges and Chapters and charged Provincial and District Grand Masters to work closely with their counterparts in the Craft and Royal Arch in building these essential aims, commenting that relations between our Grand Lodge and UGLE remain strong.
There then followed the Investiture of one hundred and seventeen Brethren who were receiving preferment, including four associated with the Province of West Yorkshire, they being as follows;
W.Bro.James Reynolds P.G.S,D.
W.Bro. Alexander Steele P.G.S.D
W.Bro.R. Edward Wilkinson P.G.J.D.
W.Bro. David Smith P.A.G.Std.B.
In closing, the Pro Grand Master expressed his hope that Brethren would take home with them the message of Masonic co-operation and wished all Brethren well.

A most enjoyable day where Masonic friendship abounded although in lower numbers than historically seen. Particularly missed the company of the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Jim Steggles, G.M.R.A.C., sadly down with Covid but now fully recovered.
Also, numerous thoughts about our Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Alan Oldfield, hopefully he will be with us for the meeting on the 28th of October in Bradford, best wishes Alan.
The ‘Magic of the Mark’ was on show this day.
V.W.Bro. Duncan Smith P.G.J.O.