Wednesday 1st of November 2023 Blenheim House, Batley. The James Bramley Morley Lodge held their installation meeting. The Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. J. Trevor Bolton on his first outing as our P.G.M. was accompanied by W.Bro. Richard Stone, the Elected Representative of the Charity Committee. Their D.C. for the day was W.Bro. Clive Hawkins, the newly appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Trevor was welcomed by the W.M. W. Bro. Roy Mallinson who offered the gavel in the hope it would be taken. Trevor did take it but swiftly gave it back so that he could enjoy the meeting. Time to install W.Bro. David Bower as Master of the Lodge which was done in a calm and relaxed manner. Congratulations to Roy and all the officers for a fine ceremony.
W. Bro Ian Schofield gave the toast to our P.G.M. Trevor in his response thanked Ian for his kind words and congratulated Roy on his work today Installing David. He talked about his own Installation only just last Saturday saying he had thoroughly enjoyed it but to some extent it was just a blur at present. A wonderful occasion and he was looking forward to continuing to move things forward.
Richard Stone in his response to the toast to the Mark Benevolent Fund and the Cleeves and Whitehead Trust thanked the Lodge for its kind donation and explained how such money was put to work.
The new Master W.Bro. David encouraged everyone present to go back to their Craft Lodges and see if we could bring more members to our order and continue to work together.
Good Luck to David and his officers for the ensuing year.
Be Happy and enjoy your Mark Masonry
With Thanks to
W. Bro John M Fitzpatrick
Andrew Johnson
Communications Manager